
Showing posts from September, 2020

God is a Shield

" Every word of God proves true;   he is a shield to those who take refuge in him." Proverbs 30:5 The beginning words of the gospel of John say that Jesus is the Word of God. As the Word he came to prove that the words of God found in the scripture were true. He fulfilled every one of them. Even to the last moments of his life when he asked for something to drink as he was dying on the cross and the soldiers gave him sour wine.  So when the Word of God says that God is a shield to those who take refuge in him, this promise can be counted on. It can be trusted. This word of God can be proven to be true. It only takes the courage to test it out and see. The scriptures which describe or reveal the Lord to us show us how we can take refuge in him. We don't just take refuge in the Lord by trusting in his promises for help. We also take refuge in him by coming to the Word of God and allowing it to give us hope, peace and to renew our minds on ultimate realities which only come ...

Prophetic Vision

"Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint,   but blessed is he who keeps the law." -- Proverbs 29:18 Prophecy rightly understood communicates one of two things: What God is doing NOW or what God will do in the FUTURE. Much of biblical prophecy focuses on the first, but the second is what tends to get all of the attention. Both of the two aspects of prophecy depend on the ability to see with spiritual eyes.  There are many different kinds of vision, but each kind could be placed into one of two categories: Seeing from God's perspective or seeing from a human perspective. Seeing from God's perspective is a gift from Him. Without it we all see from our own perspective. The difference is that God's perspective takes into account his unlimited knowledge and wisdom. Our limited perspective takes into account our limited knowledge and wisdom. God's law or his commands are a restraining influence in the world. But just because God's law exi...

Keeping the Law

  " Those who forsake the law   praise the wicked,   but those who keep the law strive against them." -- Proverbs 28:4 The first five books of the Bible are referred to as "The Law".  It's not really the greatest word to describe what is contained in them because, although there are laws or commands, it could be more accurately described as the story of the relationship between God and the people of Israel. As a part of this relationship which the LORD initiated through various covenants, there were expectations to be met. The people were expected to keep God's laws. As becomes clear when you read the New Testament, keeping God's laws was not possible for anyone. So when Jesus came and kept all of God's laws, he not only provided the means for people to be saved from the consequences of breaking the law, he also, by his actions, emphasized that the law is righteous and all together good.  As followers of Christ we also follow in his footsteps in foll...

The Test of Praise

"The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, and a man is tested by his praise." Proverbs 27:21 Former Coach of the Green Bay Packers, Mike McCarthy, stated when he began his tenure in Green Bay that the toughest challenge that the team would face is success. He turned out to be one of the winningest coach that the Packers have had, leading them to a Super Bowl victory in 2010. McCarthy, in spite of his success, was fired because expectations had risen so high that even his track record of wins could not compete.  The test of our character is revealed in two ways: either through trial or through success. The test of praise, when others are focusing on our successes, brings with it a temptation to think too highly of ourselves and to forget that our wins come as a result of the grace of God. Even the ability to work hard to achieve success comes from the grace of God. Though it may be subtle, the pride which sneaks in from praise actually works to remove the grace...


" Answer not a fool according to his folly,   lest you be like him yourself.   Answer a fool according to his folly,   lest he be wise in his own eyes."   (Proverbs 26:4-5) I once asked my mentor, Pastor Bernie Wethington, about these two verses because of what was clearly to me a contradiction in their message. He simply responded that there is nothing you can do with a fool.  Sometimes the wisest thing is not complex but just a simple reflection of truth. Humanly speaking there is nothing to be done with the foolish. Whatever might be tried to help them to let go of their foolish thinking will not work. Humanly speaking that is. However, the Lord is more than able to change the heart and mind of a fool. Truth be told, we are all fools until our eyes are opened to the light and the glory of the gospel of Christ -- something that only God can do. So let us not respond with pride to the fools in this world. Let us not attempt to correct their ways ...