The Test of Praise

"The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, and a man is tested by his praise."

Proverbs 27:21

Former Coach of the Green Bay Packers, Mike McCarthy, stated when he began his tenure in Green Bay that the toughest challenge that the team would face is success. He turned out to be one of the winningest coach that the Packers have had, leading them to a Super Bowl victory in 2010. McCarthy, in spite of his success, was fired because expectations had risen so high that even his track record of wins could not compete. 

The test of our character is revealed in two ways: either through trial or through success. The test of praise, when others are focusing on our successes, brings with it a temptation to think too highly of ourselves and to forget that our wins come as a result of the grace of God. Even the ability to work hard to achieve success comes from the grace of God. Though it may be subtle, the pride which sneaks in from praise actually works to remove the grace of God from us. In this way it works against the very building blocks which have led to being praised in the first place.

What are we to do? Praise is the answer to the test of praise. It is our praise of God and the acknowledgment of his grace and power that is responsible for everything good in our lives which allows us to past the test of praise. 

Father, teach us to in everything great and small to turn everything back to praise to you. From you comes everything that is good. We acknowledge your greatness and your grace to us! Amen.


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