Get Wisdom

"The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get insight."

Proverbs 4:7

Wisdom is a pursuit which begins with the understanding that it must be pursued. Of all the things that we value in life, wisdom is perhaps the least likely to make a top ten list. Yet, having wisdom allows us to know what to value and makes the rest of our life pursuits satisfying and fulfilling. 

The genie who grants three wishes stipulates that the person who set him free can't use one of his wishes to ask for more wishes. Yet, in one sense, finding wisdom is like that. Wisdom is like a fountain that continues to bubble up. The wise value wisdom, so they seek and find and are satisfied. Such is the nature of wisdom. 

In seeking wisdom we must ask in faith. The seeking is not dependent on our own ability to find but in our confident assurance that the Lord will provide. Our search is not solitary. It is a journey led by the Spirit, directed by the Christ Jesus who is the Word of God. Our disposition is that of a seeker who is confident of his destination. This is the attitude we must have if we are to become wise.

Lord Jesus, place within us the desire to acquire wisdom more than wealth, opportunity and praise. We trust that you will complete this work that you have begun in us. Amen.


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