This Is The Way
“There is a
way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.”
Proverbs 14:12
I am a big Star Wars fan.
The new spinoff series, The Mandalorian,
has really hooked me. In the series you are introduced to the order of
Mandalorians who have a very prescribed and rigid code of life and conduct.
When referring to it they will often say, “This is the way.”
Whether our way is well thought out and rigid, like the
Mandalorians, or on the fly and flexible or anywhere in between, it is wise to
think about whether or not it is the right way. Even more, it is wise to think
about why it is the right way. There are many different ways which have many
different underlying reasons for why their way is better than another way. Most
people don’t think about why until the fruit of their way comes to harvest.
Some ways that seem right can lead to disaster. Well-meaning
people can follow these ways and not realize where they are headed. How can we
know that the way we are following will lead to the ultimate end of good rather
than bad? The answer is both more simple and more complex than you may guess.
Jesus said, “I am the
way…” (John 14:6) It is simple because following Jesus, a person, is
different than following rules and regulations and stipulations and exceptions,
etc. It is complex because following Jesus is so very different than our
natural human tendencies. A life that follows Jesus does not make sense when
you compare it to every human way. This is because human ways rely on formulas and
rules. Following Jesus relies on a relationship that is founded on love.
Jesus is the way. Follow him, and the end of your journey
will be life not death.
Lord Jesus,
help me to follow you today and every day as closely as possible. Amen.
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