Walk With The Wise

“Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.”

Proverbs 13:20


Walking in our modern society is typically for the purpose of exercise and leisure. In the days of Proverbs walking was the mode of transportation. So when verse 20 talks about walking with the wise it takes on a greater dimension. One cannot become wise by a leisure time kind of commitment. It must be a decided lifestyle choice, consistent and dedicated.

Behind everything of value there is a commitment to its growth and development. Fools lack the ability to commit to seeing something of value grow because they either do not recognize value or appreciate it. Seeing worth in whatever it is that we desire growth is the first step before the commitment is made to its development. If we can see it, whether literally or figuratively, then we are able to take the steps required for change.

When you walk with the wise you begin to see what wisdom is like, its nature and benefits, and it causes you to make a choice to pursue wisdom. Hanging with fools only leads to your own harm because they don’t value their own life let alone yours.

Gracious Lord, thank you for the words of wisdom of Proverbs. Thank you for the wise people that you have placed in our lives for the purpose of teaching us wisdom. Help us to learn these lessons well. Amen.


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