With All Your Heart
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."
Proverbs 3:5-6
There is a difference between belief that exists in the mind and belief that exists in the heart. Belief in the mind can be separated from the things that produce life. Belief that stems from the heart is where life begins. Trust, belief, faith - when these rise up from our innermost being, from our heart, then the power of God begins to work.
Belief in our own understanding does not make room for the unlimited work of God. It makes room for human ability and human work, but not for God's work. What would you rather have, the insight of the unlimited knowledge and wisdom of God or the limited knowledge and wisdom of humanity?
The promise here is that God will work in your life when your trust him from your heart. If you trust with your heart, the rest of you comes along because who you really are is what is in your heart. It is wise to lean on the One who is wiser than you. In your leaning, you must make a choice to be all in - not just intellectual assent but heart-filled allegiance. This is where you will see God at work in you and all around you. So are you ready to trust him with your heart?
Father, help me to believe in you, to trust in you, to give my allegiance to you of my whole heart. In Jesus' name, Amen.
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