The LORD Gives Wisdom

"For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding."

Proverbs 2:6

If you want to be wise, there is a place you can go to get it. It doesn't cost any money, but it will cost everything you have. You will have to let go of your treasures in order to hold on to wisdom. You will have to loose your hold on the thoughts which seem so real to you in order to make way for the wisdom that comes from the LORD. You will have to stop trying to ask God and tell God and direct God so that you can listen to God.

In order to hear what is coming from someone's mouth you have to be intentional about hearing it and trying to understand what they are saying. This requires taking off the built in filter that we all have which seeks to reframe, redirect, and refocus the conversation. You can't learn wisdom from God if you don't really listen to him.

This kind of listening requires a recognition that the knowledge and understanding that he gives is greater than what you currently have. It is a listening that moves beyond understanding in the intellectual sense and moves into the personal application of that knowledge. It asks the question, "What does that mean for me personally?" Wisdom from the Lord is meant to be lived out. You can't learn wisdom from the cheap seats. You must be in the game. 

Lord, give me wisdom. I open my heart to learn from you. I turn over to you any tendency to judge and analyze the words from your mouth. Help me to follow your wisdom. Amen.


  1. Thank you for the insight of the connecting between wisdom and actually doing something about it.


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